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    Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

    English Lesson: Narrative text (Fabel)

     The Ant and the Grasshopper

            It was summertime and the Ants were hard at work, storing food for the winter. The Grasshopper saw whem them toiling away and asked why they were doing it. "Don't you know?" said one of the Ants. "The winter is coming and we need to store food so we can survive." The Grasshopper laughed and said, "I don't need to worry about the winter. I can sing and dance all day and i'll be just fine.

            But when the cold weather came, the Grasshopper was hungry and had to beg the Ants for food. They gave him some, but said,"You should have worked with us in the summer and then you would have had enough food to eat,"

    Moral value:
    This story teaches us that we should work hard and not to be lazy or underestimate something because we will not have anything to eat when the winter comes.

    Name          : Karl Emmanuel Yedija
    Class           : X - RPL
    No.Absen    : 17


English Lesson: Narrative text (Fabel)

  The Ant and the Grasshopper           It was summertime and the Ants were hard at work, storing food for the winter. The Grasshopper saw w...